
Сообщения за март, 2017


This happens when scaly particles with an oily sheen lie close to the hair root. The condition should not be confused with a flaky scalp, and is nothing to do with poor hygiene or stress. Cause are thought to be a microscopic fungal yest called Malassezia fuffur, which is present in everyone's scalp. Sometimes, when the scalp becomes irritated, skin cells produce greater amounts of the yest, causing cells to clump together and produce flakes of dandruff. A poor diet, sluggish metabolism, and a hormonal imbalance can make things worse. It may be that insufficient rising of the hair after shampooing, or the use of strong shampoos ( for instance SLS or LS shampoos) also contributes to dandruff. What to do? 1. It's worth thinking longer and looking for diet an...

Lavender ode

How many poems, songs and legends a re about this flower! Lavender nobody and never leave indifferent to itself. O nce y ou immerce yourself in this fragrancy , you feel a mysterious force that attracts and does not let you go out. You want to breathe in its fragrance more and more ! Lavender is the ancient and magical remedy. In magic the lavender symbolizes protection, good dreams , longevity, purification, happiness, peace of mind, money. It attract s a good power and romantic love. It was a lways beli e ved that lavender promotes self-knowledge and rapid recovery of strength, it provides complete energy relaxation and reduces aggression, also it helps to recover from envy. Lavender is often used in healing mixtures, an infusion ...


Aromacombing – it is a combing hair with use of pure essential oils or aromatherapy oils. It consist of basic oil, for hair growth, and essential oils that helps to care about different types of hair. With regular use aroma combing guarantees to gain a healthy glow and you will forget about split ends of hair. Same time pleasant fragrance of essential oils will improve your emotional state! Positive effect of aroma combing has two components. First, essential oils have health benefits, improve the structure of hair and activate the power of hair roots. Second, careful brushing improves blood circulation and it increases the first effect. How to do aroma combing correctly at home: • Do it only on clean hair. • For aroma combing choose only a wooden or bone comb. • Essential oils are c...