Do you know that the word "aphrodisiac" is associated with the term "aphrodisia" - sexual desire - and it comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite? Aphrodisiacs (Greek Aphrodisiaca) are agents that increase vital forces of a body, including those that enhance sexual ability. Aphrodisiacs actively participate in a rejuvenation of our body and of course, contribute to normalization of a hormonal system. Aphrodisiacs can be internal (chocolate, coffee, seafood, nuts, spices, etc.), or external that you can appl y to your skin. The aphrodisiacs used externally are divided into skin-receptor s and fragrances . Skin-receptor aphrodisiacs : they increase the sensitivity of the skin and increase the flow of blood to the genitals. Fragrance aphrodisiacs : they create a favourable love atmosphere and increase the sexual attractiveness of the person who uses them. You always can bring special and bright moments to you...